June 2019

Report from our art teacher Anita Niasi-Toncheva on the conclusion of the sound sculpture project in her three year-10 classes:


During the second semester of the school year our FD students continue to work on their sound sculptures. Some students had difficulties to make their projects into real ones sometimes because of the material choice, sometimes the ideas were too complicated or sometimes they were just lazy. Happily at the end, we have different installations using mixed media materials such as wood, metal, paper, water, lights, jelly balls, chemistry tubes and so on. Such a pleasure to see how students creativity was developing during the process and was well-managed in a useful way.
After all the struggle and the problems the students had to face all the projects were finished.

Those of them who had difficulties in the beginning actually happened to make one of the best projects. ( the aquarium or the mechanical gong with the lights)

We arranged all the projects in the exhibition space in front of the art room but we also have one of them outside on the school wall representing the sound sculpture project itself as well.

Some additional comments from the students about IB and sound sculpture project:

“IB impresses us for its intensive and deep thinking, so it is where our inspiration sparks.”
FD2 Group 4

“We want to use this sound sculpture to transfer the idea of recycling because all the materials we used are reusable. In addition, we want to arouse people’s awareness of sea pollution.” FD3 Group 4

“We want to express ourselves in the messy and noisy world. However, if we are just talking, we won’t be heard by the world, for noise is too loud. Roaring is the only way to be heard.”
FD1 Group 4


Video of all the installations:


December 2018

Hello everyone,

Our initial design phase has started.

You can read about our progress in posts from students

Posts from students

We are experimenting with 3D designs, sound designs, creating mind maps and we are thinking about the management of the project. It is a bit hard, as most of us have no prior experience with art.

Next to our art teacher, also our physics and chemistry teachers are involved. Last week we had lectures on sound/noise and kinetics in our physics class.

We work in 12 groups, divided over the FD1, FD2 and FD3 classes. Each group is working on a different design for a sound sculpture.

We can choose from three different type of sculptures to develop (with a specific focus on safety, as you can see):

  • Stand-alone sculptures (outside)
    • Sturdy, should not collapse
    • No sharp objects, no sharp edges, that could hurt passers-by
    • No loose elements that can be taken by wind or rain
  • Stand-alone sculptures (inside)
    • No sharp objects, no sharp edges, that could hurt passers-by
    • Sound should not carry wide (should not disturb classes)
  • Wall-mounted objects
    • No sharp objects, no sharp edges, that could hurt passers-by
    • Maximum 30 cm deep (should not block the road)

The wall we can use is surrounding a building site for our new canteen and dormitories:


After our very first ideas, the teacher added emphasis to the artistic dimension of the work and ask us to think about how the audience should perceive our work: artistic dimensions – 3rd class – instructions-reducedsize

Group 3 from FD2 was a bit faster than the others. Here is their first mind map:


And FD3 Group 4’s mind map:


Here are some photos of us working on the project in class:



If you follow this link, you can see some of the videos we have been watching in class (updated regularly):

Videos shown in class


Bye, ZaiJian

Year 10, Foundation Class Visual Arts

NSFZ, Highschool Affiliated to Nanjing Normal University